I did a Google search of my own and saw "10 Essential Boomer Albums" come up in the results, linked to the AARP website. Intrigued, I checked it out. Unlike the usual "top Nth Boomer songs/albums/yaddayaddayadda" lists which are invariably compiled by a young hipster who in the recent past would have worked at a gritty used vinyl store, but who now blogs semi-professionally since the record store went out of business, the list on the AARP website was actually pretty decent. Of course, it's impossible to create THE list of essential albums because there are just too many great albums, but this list included Beatles/Sgt. Pepper, Stones/Exile on Main St., Marvin Gaye/What's Goin' On, Carole King/Tapestry, Stevie Wonder/Innervisions, Eagles Greatest Hits...even a Zep album! All excellent albums. Every last one!
On each one of them is one very "dancible" tune. This is not criticism. These were giants of music, not dance bands. Even the Beatles, who started out as a club/dance band eventually reached a higher astral plane creating highly imaginative, groundbreaking, brilliant concepts like Magical Mystery Tour or Sgt. Pepper that were absent of any dance tunes whatsoever. They are still my favorite band of all time, so there.
So keep searching my friends. The boomer dance tunes are out there.